Placer County Democratic Party Newsletter
January 2025

Democrats believe that the economy should work for everyone, health care is a right, our diversity is our strength, and democracy is worth defending.


                                                 A Message from Our Chair
                                                            Nick Bennett

Happy New Year!  I hope that you were able to find some joy and time to rest during this holiday season. We have had a little time now to reflect on the election and contemplate what to do next. Overall, the election results were disappointing for Democrats but still very mixed. Republicans did not win in a landslide nationally, and there were plenty of Democratic victories throughout the country. Nationally and here in Placer County, there is a need to get back to basics and our roots. If we are going to reverse our fortunes in 2026, 2025 will need to be all about how Democrats make greater inroads with communities and focus on policies that address people’s needs and quality of life.  

The Placer County Democratic Central Committee is going to take this work very seriously. Over the next several months, we will be discussing how we can be more effective as a county party and how we can better work with other groups and organizations that share our interests. If you have thoughts on how the Placer County Democratic Party can be doing better, please let me know at [email protected].  

We also have committees that could use the help of Placer County Democrats. Please sign up here or let me know if you are interested in joining any of these committees:

         Campaign Services: Help us recruit candidates for 2026.
         Communications: Help us create engaging content for our newsletter and 

                                        social media accounts.
         Community Engagement: Help us build community through a variety of

                                                     events and activities.
         Fundraising: Help us hold fundraisers to allow us to better support

                                local candidates in 2026.
         Legislation: Help us track bills and policies that are important to

                              the residents of Placer County.
         Public Events: Help make our booths more engaging for people at

                                   fairs and other public events in Placer County.

ADEM DISTRICT ELECTION: Time is running out to run to become a candidate for Assembly District Delegate to attend the next California Democratic Party Convention at the end of May. The deadline to register as a candidate is noon on January 8. If you are not familiar with ADEM elections and this opportunity for any Democrat to help influence California Democratic Party leadership and priorities, please visit our website for more information. Registration to vote in the ADEM election starts on January 6.


Voting will be online or in-person depending on how you register to vote and the election will be on February 22 and 23.  Online voting is highly recommended, so please register to vote before January 24.


                                  REMINDER OF IMPORTANT DATES FOR
                                       ASSEMBLY DISTRICT ELECTION

                  December 9: Candidate registration opens
                  January 6: Electronic and in-person voter registration opens
                  January 8: Candidate registration closes
                  January 9: Candidate statement submission opens
                  January 16: Candidate statement submission closes
                  January 24: Electronic voting registration closes
                  February 22-23: Voting
                  March 3: ADEM results

: Finally, I would love for the Placer County Democratic Party to partner with more like-minded groups in 2025.  If you know of any organizations that you would like to see the Placer County Democratic Party working with to advance Democratic values and policies, please let me know.  Any contact information would be greatly appreciated.


                            SO, YOU'RE CONSIDERING BEING AN
                               ASSEMBLY DISTRICT DELEGATE?

                            HERE's WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT THE

The California Democratic Party Assembly District Elections Meeting (“ADEM”) shall be held in each of the 80 Assembly Districts in January of each odd-numbered year to elect representatives as (“Assembly District delegates”) or (“ADDs”) to the California Democratic Party Democratic State Central Committee and one representative per Assembly District to the CDP Executive Board Representative. To find the various voting sites in NorCal or to learn more visit the ADEM Elections website.

If you would like to serve as an Assembly District Delegate to the California Democratic Party, ADEM elections will be held in February. This is an opportunity for 14 Democrats in each Assembly District to serve on the California State Democratic Central Committee, which includes voting privileges and the opportunity to participate in statewide committees. These delegates help influence the direction of the California Democratic Party. Please visit our website to learn more about becoming a candidate or voting for candidates. ADEM candidate registration begins on December 9 and ADEM voter registration starts on January 6. Registrations will be done through https://ademelections.com/home




7th Annual Dr. MLK, Jr. Family March & Celebration

Monday, January 20 · 8:30am - 1:30pm PST

Johnson-Springview Park, 5th Street, Rocklin, CA, USA

5480 5th Street Rocklin, CA 95677




                                     Democratic Club of Lincoln
                                     December 19 Holiday Event


The Lincoln Democratic December Holiday dinner had a record crowd of nearly 140 guests. As the new Lincoln Club President, Ruth Cox gave her inaugural speech expressing appreciation for the work done by all volunteers in 2024 and acknowledging her predecessors in leadership at the Lincoln Democratic Club. She introduced the new Democratic leadership and Club committee members who will be seeking input from members interested in providing such. In two famous person words, Ms. Cox quoted Jon Stewart pretending to be a Republican said, "Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what you can prevent your country from doing." She further quoted Jamelle Bouie, opinion columnist for the New York Times, "NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO SURRENDER." Ms. Cox continued, "We must learn to be the loyal opposition. We must do it with focus and consistency.  And, we must do it in a way that engages and benefits our local community."


Jack Ohman also spoke at the Lincoln Democratic Club. Over the years, Mr. Ohman worked as a political cartoonist for several reputable national newspapers. At this evening affair, he delighted the crowd with his tales and comments, offering serious and humorous insights on a few historical politicians and political events. After over 40 years as a political cartoonist, he has established his work on social media.


If you would like to follow Jack Ohman for his independent yet progressive point of view, here is a link to his Substack account: https://open.substack.com/pub/jackohman and watch for his new book coming soon on Amazon titled “WEIRD: The Last Four Years.”


James Earl Carter Jr.
39th President of the United States


(Satire herein not a representation of Official PCDPCC Position)

Intentional Mockery of Kevin Authored by Tomas Paine 


My Message, as your loyal Trumpeteer from CD3

Political Ideology of Smaller Government as an Anti-Federalist (AF)

"I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub." 
(Stolen from a Friend)


As a Yale Law Graduate, I want to accomplish great things by taking America back to the 18th Century Founding Days
(Civil War and Roosevelt's New Deal, and Civil Rights, Be Damned)


Check out my "nifty" staffer-generated graphic below, which shows all the great work in government services that I intend to destroy. Don't forget to read my caveats to my great feats below the graphic labels.

TOTAL VALUE OF ALL FEDERAL GRANTS RECEIVED IN DISTRICT: In true political methodology of Kiley hypocrisy, most voters don't understand that I voted against all this federal funding legislation that I now claim a valid full accomplishment credit, especially the Biden Infrastructure Bill that provided tons of millions of dollars. Also, some of that money is standard appropriation done in a way that does not need my thoughtful vote, so I absent myself from any simple or tricky votes.


I don't recall if I told my Administrative Assistant to include my travel from DC to Sacramento to DC. It matters not. Most of my constituents are unfamiliar with the distance for my entire district: FYI, 450 miles from north to south, east to west total. It doesn't take long for these miles to reach 39k. Of course, we fly high for many of those.

DOLLARS RECOVERED FOR CONSTITUENTS: Oh, heck, they were already owed that money. My republican constituents just forgot to tell the government they moved. Especially the IRS tax filers, who may or not have been trying to hide from the government.

: In this category of accomplishments, I am showing you how my staffers do all the work to make me look good. It is easy work that greatly shines my armor for little capital investment. Most people don't realize that I did not need to adjudicate any "wrong" for them. My staffers merely explained what good government already does if they had known how to find their taxpayer-paid services. These services are there for citizens only.
Tele-Town Halls: Some of these participants are robots, and some of my enemies join to listen to obtain ammo to criticize my every freaking breathing action.


 Looking for more information?
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5445 Madison Avenue,  Sacramento, CA  95841, USA

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